3 dialysis machines and chairs at Lakeland Dialysis
Cockermouth, Cumbria 01900 822 888

How to Book

To find out dates and times for dialysis, we advise you to contact David or Lynne.

Tel: 01900 822 888, e-mail: [email protected] or use our online enquiry service.

Please check with your holiday co-ordinator first, as to their approval of your visit to our clinic. Once the dates and times have been agreed, we will contact your holiday co-ordinator and organise the medical booking forms.

Your latest blood tests are required. MRSA swabs must be taken within FOUR weeks of your first holiday session.

The booking forms are to be returned to Lakeland Dialysis as soon as these results are available.

LAKELAND DIALYSIS LIMITED is registered with The Care Quality Commission (CQC), and meets all their required standards.